
Why should small businesses adapt to data-driven marketing strategies?

For quite some time now, most of the small business know of Google Analytics. If you are not aware of Google Analytics, it is a service from Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Eventhough many of you maybe aware, and most of you may also even have it installed in your website, I’m not sure if you are really making use of the data that is collected by Google Analytics.

Rob Roy, chief digital officer at Sprint, said, “We believe data is our oil, our gold, but having hundreds of millions of terabytes of data that isn’t actionable really does nothing for me.”

Why is a strategy important?

According to “The Customer Experience is Written in Data” based on findings from an online survey of over 700 marketing and analytics executives at consumer brands, Leading marketers are 56% more likely to strongly agree that decisions backed by data are superior to those based on gut instinct and experience.

Most small businesses skip the strategies and hardly make use of data. Strategies are mostly considered a boring one-time job. However, this isn’t true. Developing a strategy for the data available with you is a process that evolves with your data. Investing your time for a good data-driven strategy that makes the best use of data is the key to your success in a long run.

One key challenge with any small business owner like you, is the availability of free time. Yes, finding free time in a business is always a problem. However, any business that has no time for strategies is surely ignoring valuable data. This valuble data gives you a good insight into your marketing efforts. This is the reason small businesses should adapt to the new data-driven marketing strategies.

Author Details

Abilash Praveen

I'm the founder and lead strategist at Consign IT who is always keen to identify and solve real-world problems. I'm also Computer Science Engineer who is also passionate about entrepreneurship, leadership and empowerment, a senior member of the world's largest technical professional organization - IEEE, an avid blogger and a sought after motivational speaker who addresses various forums regularly.

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